Galaxy Evolution Workshop

The Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Their Central Regions

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(Updated, Dec. 17, 2018)

Monday,   Nov. 5,   2018

Session 1: The Center of the Milky Way


Mark Morris (UCLA): The Center of the Galaxy and its Connections to the Outer Regions

Jinming Bai (Yunnan Obs): AGN Variability and BH Masses

Session 2: Central Mass Densities and Stellar Populations

John Kormendy (UT Austin): Processes Shaping the Central Mass Profiles of Galaxies (REVIEW)
Yingjie Peng (KIAA): Stellar Populations at the Centers of Galaxies(REVIEW)
Lei Hao (ShAO): The Centers of Galaxies in MANGA and Other Data
Xiaoyang Xia (Tianjin Normal University) The Formation Epoch of Massive Spiral Galaxies
Friendly debate

Tuesday,   Nov. 6,   2018

Session 3: Central Star Formation and Quenching

Steve Longmore (LJMU): Central Star-formation in Galaxies (REVIEW)

Zhu Chen (SHNU): Size and Structure Evolution of Massive Galaxies Over 0.5<z<2.5

Lin Lin (ShAO): Central Star-Formation in Barred Galaxies

Session 4: Physics of Black Holes

Jianmin Wang (HEP): How BHs Accrete (REVIEW)
Zhongmu Li (Dali University): Modeling UV-Optical SEDs of Old Stellar Populations

Session 5: The Nature of Feedback from Galaxy Centers

  11:45-12:10Zhiyuan Yao (ShAO): AGN models; AGN Feedback in an Elliptical Galaxy: a Numerical Study
Tinggui Wang (USTC): BAL and NLR Outflows

Yong Shi (Nanjing U): Co-evolution of star formation and black-hole accretion as seen by MaNGA

Yu Dai (CASSACA, NAOC) Connections between AGN and Star Formation Activities

Wednesday,   Nov. 7,   2018

Session 5: The Nature of Feedback from Galaxy Centers


Luca Ciotti (Bologna): The Influence of AGN Feedback on Quiescent and Star-forming Galaxies


Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere (Northwestern):  The Quenching Proces -- Ejective vs.
Preventive Feedback

Hassen Yesuf (KIAA): Galactic Winds in AGNs vs. non-AGNs

  Thursday,   Nov. 8,   2018

Session 6: AGN Demographics and Connection to Quenching


James Aird (University of Leicester): The Demographics of AGNs and Their Host Galaxies over
Cosmic Time(REVIEW)

Luis Ho (KIAA): Thorny Problems for AGNs (REVIEW)
Jingwen Wu: WISE Hot-DOGS and AGN

Lulu Fan (Shandong U):LuminousDust-obscured Quasars and Their Host Galaxis

Jiasheng Huang (NAOC): AGN Demographics Based on Mid-IR Data

Fengshan Liu (Shenyang Normal University): CANDELS: Radial Structure and Evolution of Galaxies
over 0.5<z<2.5


Caina Hao (Lunch Talk, Tianjin Normal University):

Session 7: The Center/Global-Galaxy Connection

Joel Primack (UCSC):  The Density-Shape Evolutionary Sequence in VELA Models (REVIEW)

Tao Wang (University of Tokyo): New Insights into the Formation of the Most Massive Galaxies and
Clusters in the Early Universe


Shiyin Shen (ShAO): The Bivariate Luminosity Function of Galaxy Pairs


Avishai Dekel (Hebrew U):  Processes at the Centers of Galaxies that Can Impact the Global Evolution of Galaxies (REVIEW)

Friendly debate

Friday,   Nov. 9,   2018

Session 8: The Center/Halo/Environment Connection


Xavier Prochaska (UCSC): Are Centers and Galaxy Halos Tightly Connected? (REVIEW)


Sandra Faber (UCSC): Galaxy Quenching -- A Power Struggle Between the Black Hole and the
Halo (REVIEW) 

Jun Hou (SHNU): Gas Cooling in Semi-analytic Galaxy Formation Models
Fangzhou Jiang (Hebrew U): Galaxy Radii and Halo Properties
Qiusheng Gu (Nanjing U): The star formation of early type galaxies

4 lightning talks (5min for each)

Jiafeng Lu (ShAO): Dust Extinction in Star Forming Galaxies

Mengyuan Xiao (Nanjin University): Resolved Molecular Gas Distribution in theMost Distant Cluster
 at z=2.51

Xiaochuan Jiang (Xiamen Univeisty): Misidenti ed Ly man alpha  Lines in the HST/COS Spectra

Zuyi Chen (USTC):
Chenggang Shu (SHNU): Modelling Empirically the Ridgeline Between Star Forming and
Quenched Galaxies in the Re~M* Plan

Zhanwen Han (Yunnan Observatory) The role of Binary Stars in the Study of Galaxies (REVIEW)


Sandra Faber (UCSC): Conference retrospective

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