
Black-hole accretion disks: theories and applications to ULXs and GRBs

报告人: 顾为民教授 (厦门大学)
报告时间: 2018.12.24(星期一) 上午 10:00
地点: 数理学院十号楼304室

In my talk, I will first review the progress on black-hole accretion disk models in the past 45 years. By taking the thermal equilibrium into consideration, I will discuss the physical reason for outflows in accretion systems. Consequently, I will introduce our recent works on the applications of accretion models to ultra-luminous X-ray sources and gamma-ray bursts. In addition, I will mention our recent progress on searching for stellar-mass black hole candidates by the LAMOST spectra.

版权所有@2011 上海市星系和宇宙学研究重点实验室