Abstract: Today, equal opportunity education has become the subject of education reform around the world. In the United States, the concept of educational opportunities outset almost equal emphasis on special significance. Achieve a fair and equal education opportunities for education, government and people of the United States since the founding of the colonial period until now even in the relentless pursuit of goals and dreams. This paper examines the development process of the American concept of equal opportunities in education and practice of basic education, the evolution of the concept of equality of opportunity in education and its impact on education policy for clues to the development of basic education in the United States is divided into five periods: the early days of colonial education equal infancy equal opportunity, equal educational opportunity growth, development of education and equal opportunity, educational opportunities golden period, the decline of education and equal opportunity.
The introduction part of the paper describes the background and the research topics of the values and meanings; equality of educational opportunity for the research involved, fairness, equality, justice, fairness concept to define analysis: describes the current domestic and international issues concerning equality of educational opportunity, U.S. Equal educational opportunity research status field of basic education issues; illustrate the methods used in this paper.
The first chapter describes the early days of the colony and the prototype of the concept of equality of education. The analysis of the realization of the ideal of the 17th century in northern first proposed universal education in the foreseeable future. The early days of the development of primary education, though relatively backward, but the concept of equality of education to get pregnant, created the concept of free public schools for the rise of the public schools sprouted roots movement creating a good bedding.
The second chapter is from the starting point of equalization - growing education and equal opportunity to illustrate the problem. This chapter is divided into two sections introduce the concept of equality of educational opportunity to grow; the first public school sports from the perspective of development and the rise of the rise of the concept of equality in education; Section II describes the concept of equality of educational development from the perspective of the growing popularity of secondary education, regardless of is universal primary education or secondary education, are fighting for equal opportunities for school-age children enrollment. And this is the first step in education and equal opportunity.
The third chapter is from the equalization process - the development of education and equal opportunity to illustrate the problem. The concept of equal educational opportunity in this period, not only in the pursuit of equal opportunities for all children to education, further emphasis on equal opportunity educational process. After the abolition of apartheid in the United States, the U.S. judicial interpretation of the Equal Access to Education has implicit effect equal opportunity school education.
The fourth chapter is mainly from the equality of outcome - the golden period of education and equal opportunity to illustrate the problem. During this period the focus of education to measure equality of opportunity, educational resources have been invested, go to the output of the educational process; connotation of equal educational opportunities for students concerned about socio-economic disadvantage in the equalization process by turning to receive compensation cultural experience lack of opportunity.
The fifth chapter is an equal opportunity for a quality education from - the decline of education and equal opportunity to illustrate the problem. Since the 1980s, the tendency of a market education, basic education to pursue more education quality and efficiency. Meanwhile, the U.S. government also adopted a series of measures to achieve equality of educational opportunity. The U.S. government hopes to improve the academic achievement of all students to achieve the goal of quality education and equal opportunity.
Finally, the last part of the article: equality of educational opportunity in the field of basic education in the United States, its meaning has undergone historic changes, access to education to everyone from the initial starting point for the process of equalization equalization and then finally to equality of results. This is the American educational philosophy and practice of equality of opportunity and Evolution, equitable education for our country also has important implications significance.
Keywords: United States; basic education; equality of educational opportunity; historical research