摘 要:在高等教育大众化发展的今天,少数民族学生接受高等教育权的问题受到人们越来越多的重视。少数民族高等教育问题与一国的政治、经济、文化都有密切的联系,它们的处理是否得当必然会在一定程度影响国家稳定与发展,因此绝不容忽视。
The equality of minority in higher education of America—to the education legislation content point of view
Abstract:Now in the popularization of higher education today, the development of the minority students in higher education has received more and more attention. Ethnic minority higher education issues have a close contact with a country's political, economic, cultural, and how to deal with them properly is bound to affect the national stability and development to a certain extent, and therefore cannot be overlooked.
As one of the typical multi-ethnic country, the United States has paid a lot of practice to solve the problems of equal rights of minority students in higher education. Among them, the contents of education legislation keep changing during the history of the development of higher education of minorities, and have had a profound impact on their development. Follow the clues can provide some useful reference for our country to solve similar problems.
This paper will use literature method and case method. Following the clues of content of education legislation, the essay will make analysis and discus about the problems during the development history of the equal rights of ethnic higher education in America, and then summarize the experience of the US in solving these problems. At last, this essay will put forward suggestions on our country in protecting the equal rights of minorities in higher education.
Keywords: minority, higher education, equal education, educate legislation.
(蔡兴繁 教育科学学学院教育史专业沈阳师范大学硕士学位论文)