Abstract: A good principal represents a good school. Since Hebei Department of Education launched milestone file- Views on strengthening primary and secondary school principals in December, 1990, having experienced "eighth five" "ninth five" "tenth five" and "eleventh five" four stages and nearly 20 years of construction, the work of training for primary and secondary school principals has achieved great success with continuously expanding training scale, improving training quality and system, increasing training innovation and initially forming, a distinctive and dynamic principal training system.
However, with the wave of reform of basic education and the new situation, new tasks and new requirements of school restructuring, training of school principals in Hebei Province still has many problems, some are even deep-rooted contradictions and problems. Therefore, it is necessary to fully grasp the training of school principals in Hebei Province, summarize the achievements of principal training, reveal the prominent problems in the principal training, and ensure the sustainable development of training of school principals around the whole province.
Based on the above understanding, attempting to make comprehensive use of literature, questionnaire, interview and investigation, this article has a study of training of school principals in Hebei Province which consists of four parts. The first part is an introduction which includes the promotion of the problem, the purpose and significance of the study, the outlook of relevant research results, the definition of related concepts and research methods.
The second part is the review on development process of the training of school principals in Hebei Province and description of present situation which, mainly through the way of historical review, revealed the basic features of training of school principals in Hebei Province, namely, government plays a leading role in the training of school principals, training target is closely around the reform of basic education 'and the overall development, the principal training. quality continues to increase, the emphasis of principal training gradually shifted from the mastery of knowledge to capabilities. And again the article introduced the success achieved in school principals training in Hebei Province in training scale, training management system, training network system, training incentive and restraint mechanisms, training courses construction, training styles, training teacher resources and training resources construction, and other aspects.
The third part is the analysis of training of school principals in Hebei Province. First it introduces the research design, research tools, selection of subjects, and research implementation and descriptive statistics of samples. The statistical analysis of the survey reveals the current outstanding problems in training of school principals in Hebei Province, and analyzes its causes. The current problems for Training in Hebei Province mainly include: First, the principals training system needs to be further improved; second, principals training courses need to be more practical; third, the. principal-raining teacher team construction need to be further strengthened; fourth, the principal training teaching methods needs to be improved; fifth, principal training funds need to be further increased; sixth principal training quality assessment system needs to be further improved.
The fourth part is to strengthen the Strategy study of the training of school principals in Hebei Province, and the main strategies include improving principal training policies and systems, optimizing the principal training management system, strengthening the professional construction .of school principals training institutions, improving school principals mechanism to ensure funds for training institutions, exploring the building of principal training curriculum materials, optimizing training-teaching methods, building a sound monitoring system of quality assessment for principal training, and strengthening the teacher resources construction for training principals.
Key words: Hebei province; school principals; principal training; strategy research