摘 要:黄宗羲,明末清初著名的思想家,教育家。黄宗羲经历了明朝的灭亡和清朝的建立,他曾积极参加抗击清朝的武装运动,但最后还是以失败告终。抗清斗争失败后,他开始认识到要从教育方面进行改革才能改变封建的统治思想,他的教育改革主要集中在对学校的改革上,同时他的教育思想中又蕴含着伦理思想。黄宗羲提出了“公其非是于学校”的教育思想和“经世致用”的教育思想。黄宗羲的《明夷待访录·学校》中指出学校不仅要培养人才,还要“使治天下之具皆出于学校”,而“徒有自私自利,不可以治天下国家。”他力图把个人私利与社会公利统一起来,把“天下之利”作为最高的道德标准。国家政事之是非标准不是由天子一人决断的,而是由在学校中的大家共同讨论决定的。在古代为了满足各个人私利,就要兴天下之“公利”,除天下之“公害”。君臣的关系并不是主仆的关系而是平等的同事关系、师友关系。君臣共同商议国事,共同治理天下,目的是为了“万民之忧乐”,而不是为了“百姓之兴亡”,这就体现了个人私利与社会公利的统一,体现了“天下之利”的最高道德标准。他提出的正“学校之名”,其实就是要加强学校教育,公布学术于朝市,用科学精神洗刷愚昧。而所谓“清议”就是要发挥社会舆论的作用,是一种反君主专制的有力武器,也是一种进行道德评价,抑制小人,破除传统习俗的重要手段,黄宗羲重清议,反老旧的传统习俗的思想,是同他的为“天下之利”打破以天子的好恶为是非善恶的思想是紧密相连的。黄宗羲在《学校》中提出学校的传统职能即:“学校,所以养士也”,学校所培养的人才必须是具有“豪杰之士”的人格理想的士,“豪杰”就是讲究实事实功,既善于读书、做文章,又懂得经济、政治、军事,能够“经天纬地”、“建功立业”的人,这种理想人格要求要重视现实,敢于创新,做文章要讲求真实,有所追求。黄宗羲的教育伦理思想不仅对当时社会产生了影响,对近代的教育伦理思想也产生了重要启迪。
总 结:黄宗羲的教育思想和伦理思想是相结合的,他的“公其非是于学校既体现了教育方面的要求,有体现了教育与政治,与社会的关系,这些是教育和伦理的契合。同时他根据当时社会的情况提出了“学贵践履”的思想,这些思想不仅对学生自身的发展有积极作用,对当时社会的发展也是有利的。黄宗羲从对学校的改革出发,提出了改革学校内容,全民接受教育,和教师必须具有学识和高尚的品德,这些都是对封建理学的抨击。他的这些思想体现了社会的民主要求,学生不但可以选择老师,而且可以罢免老师,体现了充分的民主性。他以“天下之法”反对“一家之法”,是从其“公天下”思想反对“家天下”思想中演化出来的。其顺理成章的发展,就是“公其非是于学校”。黄宗羲的教育伦理思想,达到了他所处时代可能达到的高峰,并对近代中国的教育产生了一定的影响,对近代的教育制度有很深的现实启示作用。
Abstract: Huang Zongxi., the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty famous thinker, educator. Huang Zongxi experienced the downfall of the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty 's establishment, he has actively participated in the fight against the arm movement, but finally ended in failure. Could struggle after the failure, he started from the ideological and cultural aspects of looking for the downfall of Ming Dynasty, the Neo-Confucianism is still in the dominant position, with their "holy" (Confucianism learn) is a pulse, i.e. straight bear the orthodox Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius, the Confucianism is believed to be the country of the study, but this being veins idea is not to save the downfall of the Ming Dynasty, so through the reflection of Huang Zongxi thought it was" St. school unknown" results. He believed that science education and eight shares to take person system is separated from the social reality, but is empty, as the feudal autocratic system service, he gave a sharp criticism, he advocated the" practical" and pragmatic style of study, thinking in education has carried on the profound transformation. Huang Zongxi's educational thought change to democracy and science as the core. He advocated the education thought, broke the feudal autocratic system of Education under the narrowness and despotism, emphasize national has the right to receive education. He directed a decadent imperial examination system and school abuses rebirth of social phenomenon, the school education, school functions, and education content, and puts forward some reform measures. However, education and ethics is the inevitable internal harmony, so education and ethics are inseparable. Study on educational ethics not only in the field of education in all of the associated ethical issues, education ethics research object mainly is the school of education, from the Chinese and foreign education ethics probe into the study object, we can think of education in ethics is the study of the school education within a variety of ethical relationship. These relations are not only related to the teaching of human behavior, but also relates to the school education system, contents, process, method, means and evaluation of education and other aspects of the rationality. So the educational activities of all the people and things are embodiment of educational ethics. Education activity is a human activity, so it and other social fields cannot be separated, so the educational ethics also on education and other areas of ethical relationship between knowledge. Huang Zongxi's thoughts of educational ethics is mainly reflected in the school education and school education reform, such as the" public school", is to" learn your application. "Huang Zongxi's thoughts of educational ethics not only on social education has had a great impact on modern school education, but also important enlightenment.
Key words: Huang Zongxi; thoughts of educational; ethics school
(连心 西北师范大学硕士研究生学位论文)