摘 要:我国教育文化源远流长,有着丰富的理论资源和实践经验,但在社会转型、经济转型和文化转换的背景下,由于市场经济的一味追求利益的导向,我国教育面临着严重的伦理问题。作为一种培养人的特殊的实践活动,教育要真正实现其“至善”的价值目标,就不得不从人性的理念出发,对教师的德性和德行进行反思。因为,学生素质的提升离不开教师潜移默化的影响,教师人格和德性的培养是学生素质养成的前提。本文也正是出于这一思考,对教育的伦理精神和教育德性的实现进行了粗浅的研究。本文结合伦理学、教育学相关学科理论,在对中西方教育伦理思想回顾的基础上,以教育的伦理内涵、伦理精神及其结构的阐述为研究的逻辑起点,从理论上阐述了教育道德品质的养成及其现实转化,其中包括教师的道德义务、道德责任的标准和原则的阐述以及在教化机制、制度机制和激励机制下,从理论上如何实现教育德性向教育德行的转化。同时本文在分析了当前部分教育者教育德性缺失和行为失典范现象的原因后,探讨了市场经济条件下如何通过教育实践来实现教育德性,从而为我国当前教师品质养成提供一定的参考。
总 结:在教育道德修养中,教师只停留在自我角色的认定和学习上是远远不够的,只有积极投身教育实践、不断积累情感体验,才是教育道德修养的关键。关于这一点,中国古代思想家在道德修养上崇尚“躬行”的思想至今仍有借鉴意义。孔子认为,道德修养不能只停留在口头上,而应该落实到行动中。只有那些时时处处身体力行的人,才能成为道德高尚的人。虽然儒家主张“力行”的目的和内容是封建主义的,应予以抛弃,但它作为道德修养的原则和方法却是可贵的,则应予以继承。在道德修养中,要提倡言行一致,反对言行相悖,即言善而心不善或行不善。道德修养既是知的积累和升华的过程,又是行的磨练和陶冶的过程。行是知的目的,人们思想道德觉悟的高低归根到底是通过其行动表现出来的。所以,教育德性的养成必须在行上下工夫,即将道德认识付诸道德实践。
Abstract: With long history there are rich theory resources and the hands-on in our educational culture .In the backgrounds of the society revolving, the economy revolving below track and the culture transformation, we are facing the serious problem of the ethic because of pursuing the nearsightedness benefits of the market economy. As one of the particular practicing maneuver of man, to genuinely achieve the value target-"Till kind", the education has to think about the education venue and education well doing in terms of humanity. Because the students' quality is attached to the teacher s', and the formation of teachers' venue or well doing is the prerequisite to the students. From this consideration, the thesis tried to the problem of the ethic spirit of education and the realization of the education venture. Relating with the Ethics, Education and other subjects' theory; on the basic of education ethic theory of China and the western countries ,at the logical point of description of the implication of the education ethic, the framework of the ethic spirit of education ,the thesis defined the realization from the education venture to education well doing ,including the teachers' moral duty、the standard and the principle of the moral obligation, and in the circumstance of teaching mechanism, institution mechanism and encouragement mechanism, how to realize the transfer the education venture to the education well doing .At the reasons that some educators' venture is the same time, after analyzing missed and their behavior is prescriptive, the thesis researched how to realize the education venue from the education practice in the condition of the market economy, in order to provide the means to the formation of the teachers' moral quality.
Key words: Education; morality; Teacher; Education venture; Education well doing;
(沈慧 江苏大学硕士研究生学位论文)