摘 要:教师专业伦理是在教师在专业活动领域内,为了维护专业团体的声誉而必须遵守的一整套行为规范。这种规范的意义不仅仅局限于规章的制定,更要关注教师专业实践的事实,不但关注教师个体的道德责任,而且体现的是教师专业共同体的伦理责任及其实现问题。教师专业伦理对教师提出了更高的要求,这种要求不是对道德理想的要求,而是教师作为专业人员具备的伦理素质,是教师在专业教学实践领域中所具备的伦理知识、伦理意识和伦理思维的总和。它关注于教师作为一个专业团体,在其工作中发生的神圣而又具有人文性的伦理秩序和伦理精神。本文重点对我国教师专业伦理建设的现状进行考察,试图回答一个核心的问题:基于教师专业伦理建设的现状,教师专业伦理应该如何重建。
总 结:论文的第一部分,首先考察了教师专业伦理的内涵,在此基础上分析了它与教师职业道德、教师伦理等概念的区别,加深对教师专业伦理的理解。阐述教师专业伦理建设的理论依据、内容和目标,是论文的第二部分,此部分为教师专业伦理建设提供理论基础。论文的第三部分,主要通过对重庆市270名中小学教师进行的问卷调查的分析,了解他们对教师专业伦理的看法和来自教育教学实践第一线的实际问题,意在研究教师视野中的教师专业伦理建设。并通过对调查问卷进行整理,总结目前我国中小学教师专业伦理建设中存在的问题,并分析这些问题的成因,为教师专业伦理建设的重建提供参考。论文的第四部分探讨教师专业伦理的重建对策,即:首先,必须要从理想走到现实,即重建观念。接着必须将专业伦理规范化,这是一个从非正式走向正式的过程,也是一个从经验走向理念的过程。当然,最终必须要从理念再次走回经验,从理论到实践,加强对教师专业伦理规范的解释,寻求有效的教师专业伦理培训方式是非常重要的。最后教师专业伦理建设还得依赖于伦理文化,即:从个人负责到学校负责,营造伦理本位的校园文化。论文的最后一部分是结论,提出了此研究进一步深入的研究方向。
Abstract: Teachers' professional ethics refers to a set of norms that teachers need to abide by to maintain the reputation of the group within their Professional realm. The Significance of these norms is not restricted to the prescription of regulations. It goes further into the reality of teachers' professional practice. By these norms, we are not only concerned with the individual moral responsibility of teachers, but also try to demonstrate the ethic responsibility and its realization of teachers as a Professional group. Teachers' professional ethics has raised the bar for teachers not merely in terms of moral standard, but the ethic quality of teachers as professionals-ethic rationality. It is the integration of ethic knowledge, ethic consciousness and ethic thinking that lies in the center of teachers 'teaching and other Professional activities. Teachers' professional ethics emphasizes the divine and humanistic ethic order and ethic sprit engendered in the career of teachers as a professional group. Based on a careful examination of the current project of teachers' professional ethic building-up in China, this paper attempts to answer a core question: how to reconstruct teachers' professional ethics, given the existing situation.
Key words: teachers; teachers' professional ethics; re-construction
(于永平 西南大学硕士研究生学位论文)