摘 要:教师职业道德评价可以促进教师职业道德品质的形成和发展,是建立良好校风校纪的重要途径,是调节教育内外人际关系的有效手段。然而,由于人们对教师职业道德评价认识的局限性,加之其依据的复杂性,标准的多样性,致使现阶段教师职业道德评价欠全面。本文从本人三年来工作入手,谈了对教师职业道德评价的认识及摸索。
总 结:首先,大力宣传,加强教师职业道德建设重要性的认识。强调新时期素质教育的重要性,明辩素质教育的善恶观:凡是符合学生身心发展规律、有利于良好心理品质形成的教育行为就是善的,反之就是恶的。那些讽刺、挖苦、嘲笑、体罚,都是对学生人格的漠视,都易对学生身心发展造成影响。
Abstract: The evaluating of teachers’ professional ethics can promote the forming and development of moral characters. It is a significant way to establish he good discipline in school, and it is also an effective method to adjust the relationship among teachers, students and parents. However, because of the limitations of the understanding of it, the complexity of its basis and the variety of its standard, the evaluation appears to be one—sided in most of the time. This thesis, based on my three years experiences as moral educator, mainly discusses the understanding and exploring of the evaluating of teacher professional ethics.
Key words: teacher professional ethics; the evaluating of teacher professional ethics; the level of teacher profession ethics
(高观花 华中师范大学硕士研究生学位论文)