Coordination of urban and rural education under the background of the rural school principal in chongqing
professional development strategy research of ability
——take F county in Chongqing as an example
Abstract:In our country of the primary education there is a tendency that the development of headmasters' professional ability between the urban and the rural of the secondary and primary headmasters is out of balance. The development of the headmasters' professional ability plays a key role in the balanced overall development of the rural and urban education. The development of such ability can improve the process of professional headmaster.The collective ability for the learning ability, the leadership, and the introspective ability is the "professional headmaster".It also plays a key role in realizing the fairness of education.As a disadvantaged group,the headmaster of the rural should get much attention.The opinions of the researching clue are as follow.
The introduction states the reasons and meanings of the research5the processed information of such similar research,and the clue and meathods of this research.
The first part of the text analyses the content of the balanced overall development of the rural and urban education,and the experience got by Chongqing as the test zone in the comprehensive educational reform of the rural and urban.Besides,it states the meanings of improving the development of professional headmaster in developing the rural and urban education uniformly.
The second part of the text: An investigation about these three abilities of these headmasters in F county of Chongqing. There are several problems in the development of professional headmaster. Firstly, the rural headmasters lack the lifelong learning ability, which hinders the long-term development of the rural headmaster. Secondly,the low leadership hinders their management to the school. Thirdly, there is a lack of introspective ability. These problems have terribly affected the development of their professional ability and the educational quality of the F county. Therefore.the development of headmasters' professional aiblity and the F county's education of rural schools have been terribly affected by these problems.And the primary educational gap between rural and urban is becoming more and more fierce.
The third part of the text:The reasons of the F county's low development of the headmasters' professional ability. The internal causes: their low planning ability of learning,the lack of cultivation of their leadership and introspection. The external causes:the lack of outside support system, of scientific training system, and of professional evaluating system, and the faulty planning system.
The fourth part of the text:The strategies and suggestions for improving the development of the rural headmasters'professional ability. lt is a must to establish a long-term effective system. For example, the headmasters should rely on themselves to improve their learning ability, their leadership and their introspective ability. Besides, a perfect security system like training system, evaluating system, and well-found planning system should be established.
Key words: coordination of urban and rural education; rural school principal; professional development ability;
(彭茂辉 教育学原理专业教育社会学方向西南大学硕士学位论文)