摘 要:“校长”作为一校之主,其影响力和作用不言而喻,为了使教育的发展能够符合我国经济的高速发展,就要不断有更高更新的人才的出现,而人才的培养依赖于学校,而学校的发展很大程度上取决于其校长的能力和素质,因此,对于一所学校而言校长是至关重要的。我国校长职业化道路起步晚,目前还在发展之中,在 20 世纪 90 年代国家相关部门才颁发中小学校长任职标准,后期不断为完善和发展校长职业制度,先后颁布了校长选拔任用、职业资格等等相关方面的文件。但是经过 20 多年的发展和改革,我国校长职业资格制度还处在探索发展阶段,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020 年)》的颁布,明确规定了要完善普通中小学校长负责制、完善校长任职条件和任用办法等,标志着我国教育改革,特别是校长改革进入了新时期、新阶段,同时校长改革也有了新目标、新方向。特别是从去年开始陆续在全国教育部直属大学进行了校长的公选,体现了国家正逐步改变我国目前校长职业资格落后的局面。
关键词:中小学校长 职业资格 职业资格制度
Abstract:School president, as the manager of whole campus, plays a very important role and is of big influence for the campus development. To make sure the development of education is in line with the rapid development of our economy, which requires more and more highly qualified talents. However, the talent cultivation depends on school, and the development of school, to a large extent, depends on the ability and qualification of school president, therefore, school president is of vital important for the quality of a school. The development of professionalized road for school president is very late and is still under development currently.
In the 1990s, the primary and middle high school president qualification standard was issued by related government department, and school president related professional policy is under gradual development with government issuing different policies such as school president selection and recommendation policy. Even after more than two decade development, school president qualification certificate policy is still under exploration. The Middle and Long-term Education Reform and Development Guideline issued in 2010 clearly stipulated the responsibility of primary and middle high school and perfected the qualification requirement for school president, which marks education reform in China, and marked that school president reform enters into a new age. More importantly, the national university president has been openly selected since last year, indicating our government is trying best to improve the lagging behind situation of school president qualification requirement in China.
Keywords: School President, Professional Qualification, School President Qualification Certificate
(谭瑞 教育经济与管理专业东北师范大学硕士学位论文)