研究发现,日本中小学学校体育设施社会开放总体情况良好,至2001年日本市盯村学校体育设施的对外开放率己经达到98. 80},设施开放整体呈非盈利公益性的特征。日本政府在政策和法律法规方面给学校体育设施开放提供了保障,促进了学校体育设施开放的进行。学校开放设施时的运营模式较为多样,主要分为“教委中心型”、“学校中心型”及“居民中心型”三种,且开放中逐步向第三种运营模式过渡。学校开放体育设施的经费来源主要来自于政府补贴,其余收支通过收取会费及开展体育培训班平衡,经费筹集渠道多样化。开放学校体育设施带来的安全问题通过日常管理、安全事故处理机制、保险机制及社会第三方责任认定四个方面共同解决,有效降低了设施开放带来的安全责任隐患。最后,学校体育设施社会开放的过程中重视附属设施和服务的完善,提高了设施开放工作的质量,挖掘了潜在的锻炼人群。
Abstract:After successfully holding the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, Japan changed the focus of sport development from competitive sport to the social sport. During the 1960s and 1970s, Japanese witnessed a great growth of domestic economic development. Because of this, the trend of fewer children and aging problem became a threat to the Japanese national physical health. The Japanese government has taken a series of measures to enhance the national constitution, one of which taken by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is to open the national public school sports resources to the society. Japanese Ministry of education has always attached great importance to and development. Japan has always attached great importance to the school education, due to this, the school physical education resources in Japan are quite abundant. Flexible and efficient use of existing resources can alleviate the Japanese national lack of sports facilities needs at a certain extent. After nearly fifty years of development, opening school sports facilities in Japan has achieved great breakthroughs, and maintained a high open and utilization rate.
In China, sports venues are also the important carriers of residents to participate in exercises. Especially the school sports facilities with their plenty resources and special advantages, become a good place for the residents. With the extensive development of Nationwide Fitness Program in recent years, the government attaches great importance to the construction of sports public service system, and opening the school sports facilities to the society has also become an important part of the government to promote Nationwide Fitness Program. But the current situation is not that ideal. Out of funds, model of management, lack of security and other aspects are the major concerns of Chinese schools, which hampered the further development of the national fitness.
With the method of literature, interviews, feld observation and comparative research, this paper focuses on the methods which maintain a high social opening rate of school sports facilities in Japanese and its history of development. First of all, basing on current situation of the opening of school sports facilities in Japan, the author sums up the characteristics. Then, taking a further study on the specific measures from the following five aspects: policy guarantee, management mode, the source of funds, insurance, ancillary facilities and services. Through the two-months- visit to Japan, the author adopted the method of feld observation to get an overall impression of management method in local schools, and summarize successful experience in Japan.
The conclusion can be drawn as follows. Generally speaking, the opening of Japanese school sports facilities is good situation. By 2001,the opening rate has reached 98.8%o in Japan, and the characteristic of opening is non-proftt. The Japanese government provides policies, laws and regulations for the schools, which promotes the school to open sports facilities. The modes of opening are various, mainly divides into three kinds: the "education-oriented mode", "school-oriented mode" and "residents-oriented mode'". The Japanese schools are in the transition to the third kind of mode gradually. Financial funds are mainly from government subsidies, and other revenues and expenditure through charging membership and sports training classes.
At last, as to the security problems, four aspects can be identified, such as daily safety rnanagernent, accident insurance mechanism and the third party of social organization, which effectively reducing the facilities open to bring security hidden danger. Finally, the Japanese schools pay attention to improving the facilities and services in the process of opening school sports facilities to the society, which improve quality of service during the opening period and mine the potential of exercise group Facing the difficulties and the bottleneck of in this program in China, the author summarized the successful experience in Japan, and combined the actual situation in this paper to put forward several pieces of advice and inspiration. Hope these suggestions and advice can provide certain reference, and promote the school sport facilities to be socialized in China.
Key words: Japan primary and middle school;sport facilities; opening
(季艺 体育人文社会学专业 上海体育学院硕士研究生学位论文 2013年5月)