首先,笔者运用文献法梳理前人己有研究,并走进案例学校查阅学校发展规划、课题研究记录、各类规章制度,并通过学校网站获取相关文本资料。其次,为了更客观的获取研究资料,本研究采用了问卷法和访谈法两种调查研究方法,编制校长卷、教师卷两类问卷,共发放问卷97份,其中校长42卷,教师55卷,有效问卷率为84. 53%,根据研究需要,一共访谈了包括上海、西藏、浙江、山东等地的一线校长和教师12位,获取了丰富的研究资料;最后,笔者深入四所案例学校,综合运用问卷、访谈、课堂观察等方法对学校科研情况进行全面、整体的调研,探索案例学校是如何以教育科研推动学校发展的。
Abstract:It is a common problem that classroom teaching has a certain sameness, ignoring individual differences of students, school management tends toward inertia in the current educational system of the school. To break the existing educational system and to break the conservative elements in the school, we must study the root of the problem and achieve progressive change. For basic education schools, under the guidance of the concept of "Scientific Research hung the teaching" "Scientific Research hung the School",effectively carry out educational research could promote the research awareness of teachers, improve the level of school administration, and enhance the school's vitality and innovation. It is the reason why make research school the topic.
The primary research methods will be both qualitative and quantitative, also subjective and objective combined, identified four schools as the case studies that the education research as the carriers to facilitate the development of school. First of all, the study gets some text materials by sorting out the former research in different historical periods and collecting the school development planning, all kinds of rules and regulations, research records and related texts .Secondly, in order to obtain more objective research data, this study also used questionnaires, interviews and other survey methods, I prepared two volume of paper questionnaire for headmasters and teachers.
A total of 97 questionnaires were issued, of which 42 questionnaires are for headmasters, and 55ones are for teachers. Based on the need of research, I interviewed 12 interviewees in total, including the teachers and headmasters form the city of Shanghai, Tibet Autonomous Region, Zhejiang Province, Shandong Province and other districts. Through empirical investigation and theoretical analysis, The research would like to provide the valuable materials for the research.
Based on the comprehensive study, I put forth effort on building a new school development pattern一Research School, which make "education research" as the main line of school development, based on school's own circumstances, the specific problem-oriented, ruled with regulations, implemented in daily life, focused on changing current practices, and then create a healthy research-cultural atmosphere shape the research culture, form research community, ultimately gain the progressivechange and development of all the members. And further discuss the four basic characteristics of the Research School, that is target oriented for the student and school development;normative and effective research management system; research and teaching combined closely; a strong research environment. The basic characteristics of education schools could provide a reference standard, and to enrich the school development models.
Meanwhile, based on the analysis of questionnaire data and interview materials, the papers mainly analyzes the factors that obstruct the development of school educational research from the academic factors and practical difficulties .and try to consider the construction of future, on the one side, the research school should follow the basic rules: School-based research, point to the practice of action research, participatory collaborative research, rooted in the microscopic study of teaching, on the other side ,there are some plots of the building of Research schools from the macro level, medium measure and micro-level ,namely, the education support of administrative department ,the construction of research system and the team foundation of school research.
I really hope that these studies can provide theoretical guidance, supply some references of the practice of the school development and offer the development paradigm, so as to promote the sustainable development of the school.
Keyword:school education research; Research Schools; basic characteristics; construction strategy
(周娟 教育经济与管理专业 华东师范大学硕士研究生学位论文 2012年3月)