中心2011 年科研成果盘点


发布日期: 2014/08/27      浏览次数: 163  



涂冬波 史静寰 郭芳芳

摘要: 基于2010年的调查数据,采用经典测量理论(C)!项目反应理论(IRT)和验证性因素分析(CFA)等方法,研究者时汉化后的/大学生学习性投入调查问卷0(NSSE-China)(下称“中国大学生学习性投入调查问卷”)的测量学特征进行实证分析,以探讨该问卷的侧量信度及效度。研究结果表明,中国大学生学习性投入问卷0具有较理想的测量信度与效度;基于国外教育情景构建的五大可比指标在中国教育情景下仍然成立,表现出较强的跨文化性;基于我国本土构建的七项教育过程诊断指标也具有良好的信效度。总体而言,“中国大学生学习性投入问卷”可以作为一个重要而又有效的测评工具,对我国高等院校实施本科教育学情调查、自我诊断及效能评估。

关键词: 中国大学生学习性投入问卷;学生投入;经典测量理论;项目反应理论;验证性因素分析;信效度


1、为了更好地服务于中国的高等教育机构,挖掘中国大学生的学习特征, “中国大学生学习性投人调查”课题组还构建了七大过程性及结果性指标(课程的教育认知目标、课程要求的严格程度、课程学习行为、课程外拓展性学习行为、向学/厌学、自我报告教育收获、在校满意度)


A Metric Study on NSSE-China
Tu Dongbo, Shi Jinghuan, Guo Fangfang

Abstract: Using 2010 NSSE-China data, the Paper explores the reliability and validity of NSSE-China by Classical Test Theory (CTT), Item Response Theory (IRT) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). NSSE-China, as a standardized student engagement survey, was adapted into the context of Chinese higher education in 2007 by the  research team of Tsinghua University and has been used as an instrument in the nationwide survey in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The basic findings of the paper are summarized as follows: the five benchmarks of effective educational practice originally created in the U.S. work well in China’s situation and the reliability and validity of seven learning diagnostic indices developed by the Tsinghua team based on the context of Chinese higher education are good enough from the measurement perspective. On the whole, NSSE-China is an effective and efficient instrument for the undergraduate survey and the data collected from the survey may help the institutions do self-diagnosis on the teaching/learning process and improve the overall quality of education.

Keywords: NSSE-China: Student Engagement; Item Response Theory (IRT); Classical Test Theory (CTT); Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA); Reliability; Validity


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