Measuring Cosmic Shear in Fourier Space 2015-04-21  
Cosmic Gas as a Probe of Structure Formation and Evolution 2015-04-07  
The evolution in the structural properties of galaxies over 0.5<z<3 from CANDELS 2015-01-16  
基于LAMOST银河系结构的研究 2015-01-12  
银河系中心黑洞模型失效的天文观测证据及其科学意义 2014-12-22  
Studying dark matter subhaloes with galaxy-galaxy lensing 2014-12-17  
Weak Lensing Analysis from SDSS DR7 2014-12-16  
Redshift distortion as a probe for cosmology: challenges in accurate theoretical modeling 2014-12-15  
Variations of the ISM conditions across the Main Sequence of star forming galaxies: observations and simulations 2014-11-28  
Galactic structure and stellar populations based on CFHT and LAMOST 2014-11-18  
Constraining galaxy clusters structure and cosmological parameters via weak gravitational lensing, using CGHTLens, VOICE and Euclid 2014-11-11  
宇宙未卜的命运 2014-11-03  
神经网络,深度学习和天文数据处理 2014-10-13  
太赫兹量子级联激光器与超导热电子混频器的集成技术 2014-10-09  
太赫兹超导隧道结混频器和超导动态电感探测器技术发展 2014-10-09  
太赫兹天文学中的高灵敏度超导探测器技术研究 2014-10-09  
The Future of Optical Astronomy : from Photons to Petabytes 2014-10-06  
Bayesian Inference and Its Applications 2014-09-22  
Recent studying results of CANDLES data 2014-07-01  
The Cosmology Frontier Workshop held in Beijing 2014-07-01  
版权所有@2011 上海市星系和宇宙学研究重点实验室