中心2011 年科研成果盘点


发布日期: 2014/08/21      浏览次数: 80  







关键词:远程教育 受训者 教师培训

AbstractRemote training of teachers is a new form of training for teacher training, this form of training plays a role not only for improving the level of teacher education teaching theory and practical ability; but it is also an effective way for teachers' professional growth and development .After the 17th CPC National, various regions according to vigorously promote primary and secondary school teachers in remote training requirements, adopted a series of measures in people and property's investment ,and achieved good results. However, due to the lack of awareness of the existence particularity of remote training, Many areas are in promoting remote training process ,there have been many problems .Such as: the contents that teachers 'remote training is a disconnect with the actual demand ,trained teachers had a negative attitude towards training, lack of initiative, trained teachers participate in training utilitarian purposes.

For this reason, remote training programs have been carried out to reflect, explore its success or failure and the gains and losses, which undoubtedly play an important role in its own perfect.

In this thesis, the 2011 Chongqing distance training of primary and secondary school teachers trained teachers as the main object of study, the difficulties encountered by teachers, teacher training ,training feelings set the questionnaire, each set several small dimensions, based anchored in primary and secondary school teachers to participate in the main body of the remote training. I edit the interview questionnaire on the basis of the questionnaire in order to avoid one-way of the questionnaire. Interviews with trained teachers, school principals, remote training programs relevant person in charge, subject teachers to participate in distance training. Combined with the results of questionnaires and interviews, described the problems in the actual implementation of the primary and secondary school teachers in remote training project and the reasons for,and the problems in the actual situation of the distance training programs ,and try and secondary school teachers in remote training programs existed issues.

The paper found that teachers training concepts lags behind and participate Passive, and feel contradictions and powerless between work and study in distance training by survey in the distance training content ,theory detach from the teaching in primary and secondary schools, it is difficult to apply what they have learned. Therefore, we should enhance the enthusiasm of the primary and secondary school teachers in distance training and mobilize teachers to learn the inner power; On the design of the training content, teaching content designers should be ready in conjunction with teaching around the actual situation to understand the actual needs of the teachers, Focus on the effectiveness of content-oriented; teachers remote training programs relevant departments should be coordinated ,and actively carry out the implementation of distance training, realize the effect of distance training project to avoid formality.

Keyword: Distance education; Trainees; Teacher training

(吴雪敏 教育经济与管理西南大学硕士学位论文)

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