中心2011 年科研成果盘点


发布日期: 2014/08/25      浏览次数: 76  



















    AbstractThe effect of schoolmasters leading becomes the key of schools' live and development,under the background of the power in schools transferring to a lower level. The purpose of this research is to study the concept of the effect of schoolmasters leading, the factor affecting the effect of schoolmasters leading, the strategies improving  the  effect  of  schoolmasters  leading  and  the  evaluative  system  of schoolmasters leading, in order to improve the effect of schoolmasters leading.

    The part of the introduction mainly discusses the purpose, the means, the innovation of this research, the literature summarization and the concept definition. At the part of literature summarization, this research mainly discusses the similarities and differences about the leading particularities theory, the leading behavior theory and the leading power transformation theory in China and overseas by the compare.

    The second part mainly discusses the concept, the exhibition and the evaluation of the effect of schoolmasters leading. The effect of schoolmasters leading is the quality, the ability, the behavior and outcome that the schoolmasters show when they lead the school. The exhibitions of the effect of schoolmasters leading mainly reflect two aspects. First, it embodies on the full improvement of all the students. Second, it embodies on the outcome of schoolmasters' leading. On the part of he evaluation of the effect of schoolmasters leading, the important work is to make sure“what to evaluateand“how to evaluate".

    The third part is the part of demonstration research. In this part, the actuality, the exhibition, the affecting factors and the improving strategies are be found out by questionnaire investigation.

    The fourth part put out the strategies that put up the effect of schoolmasters leading form the administering system, the institution building and the ability exaltation. On the aspect of administering system: should definitude the relation between the government and school, should fulfill the real system of schoolmasters leading. On the aspect of institution building, should set up and perfect the qualification institution, the selection and appointment institution, the evaluation institution, the cultivation institution and the encouragement institution.On the aspect of ability exaltation, should definitude the quality and the ability of schoolmasters, foster the reasonable leading behavior, intensify the innovation consciousness, induct function transform and role orientation.

    The fifth part establishes the evaluative system. the evaluative targets are be ascertained form the quality and the ability, the leading behavior and the outcome. The quality ability and the ability include management ability, operation leading ability, public relation and body-mind and thought quality. The leading behavior includes the behaviors of morality, the behaviors of caring for school, the behaviors of people and the behaviors of innovation. The leading outcome includes self-assessments, the development of school and the satisfaction of members.

Key Words: school leading; the effect of leading; evaluative system

(贾汇亮 教育经济与管理专业 华南师范大学硕士研究生学位论文 20045)

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