中心2011 年科研成果盘点


发布日期: 2014/08/27      浏览次数: 58  










Abstract: Presently, studies on the School brand, as one of the research focus, have gradually caused the great concerns of scholars of educational management and educational administrators. Under the background of deepening the new curriculum reform in China, implementing the school brand strategy is an inevitable choice for schools to meet the educational internationalization requirement and take up the challenges with economic globalization. It is also the fundamental measures for the primary and junior secondary schools to peruse their further development and plays the important role in integrating educational resources to promote the diversified and balanced development of primary education. So, under the background of deepening reform, to meet the demands of the new international environment and the cultural development in a new era, this article, which is based on an appeal of the development of schools for the brand and related with school organization characteristics, studies the brand construction of the primary and secondary schools.

This article dissertates by the sequence of the connotation and the function of the school brand, then the elements and the frame of the school brand construction system, and the construction strategy of the school brand. Firstly, the author analyses the connotation of the school brand. On the reflection of brand philosophy, the author holds that the school brand is a kind of relationship of people, the construction of which bases on the school culture. What’s more, the cultural grade of the school is the actual connotation of the school brand. And cultivating the unique school culture is the process of the creation of the school brand. Secondly, the author points out that there are three essential factors of school brand construction, the culture, the strategy and the management, and puts forward factor analysis. With these elements, the author has constructed and analyzed the frame of school brand construction system in the article. Without the management support, the strategy cannot be realized, and without the strategy, there is no direction and arrangement in the management, meanwhile, only through the implantation of culture can the strategy be implemented willingly by the members of the school. Hereby, this article presents the configuration frame diagram of this construction system. On this basis, the article proposed four strategies to construct school brand, which are the school brand localization strategy, the school brand founding strategy, the school brand promotion strategy and the school brand maintenance strategy. Finally, to analyze its brand strategy and management, the author makes a case study on an experimental elementary school of Shanxi, through which this paper presents the successful experiences on how to effectively carry out the brand strategy from a practice point of view. By this thesis, the author expects to create analyzing tool with theoretical significance for the following study of the construction of the school brand and provide a practical method to the brand management of the primary and junior secondary schools.

 Keywords: Brand; School Brand; School Culture

(李旭 教育经济与管理专业 首都师范大学硕士学位论文 20095月)

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